Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February But Still Snowing

Above is last nights drawing. I am not sure how well done it is. I had issues with the arm that she is leaning on the couch, there is foreshortening so I had issues getting it large enough to seem real but trying to keep the lines and angles I was seeing in mind.  Toward the end of the session I changed the hip level to be lower than my original line. The model had shifted her pose enough so that it was lower, but with the lower hip position there was a change in leg position which I didn't change from my original sketch. The question is does the lower hip position work with the leg positions.

As you can see I am continuing to try and simplify parts of my drawing. Last night I left the area to the right that was in shadow lighter instead of making it darker as I usually do. I also simplified the draped fabric to just lines instead of trying to do all the shading. The models face, arms and upper body I rendered with my usual detail and shadows. I also included the shadow on the wall behind the couch, but I made it very dark to contrast with the light areas in front. I think I need to put this away for a week or two and then take a look at it before I decide how I like this approach. I was concerned at one point that I had the head a bit too large, but looking at the photo I think it is within acceptable limits.  Like last week, the photo is not the best. We have another 2 day snow storm coming through so there was no sun this morning, only snow. Makes it hard for me to make a good photo. I think I need to buy some better lights.

My second image for you today is another Zentangle type drawing. The image size is 4.5 inches square. I split the square into 4 smaller squares and then created the string which I repeated in the other 3 sections, rotating and using a mirror image of the first string. However I consider these lines only as landmarks and use them or ignore them as it suits the developing design. I am trying to explore different patterns with these little drawings. So while I repeat some motifs I am also trying to introduce new ones. I call this one Garden Fantasy. This was done on Hot Press Watercolor paper using my technical pens and India ink.

That is the art work for today. On the quilting front I am thinking about what I want to do for my next challenge for the FFFC group, and I am working on labels for all those challenges I have finished in the past couple of months. The labels are written and heat set, now I just need to sew them to the back of the quilts. In my next Blog post I will go over how I create my labels. That is it for today, though I thought I would leave you with one last image, this is the street outside my Apt. at about 11:00 a.m. this morning. Since then there has been more snow, a plow and still more snow. Per usual Comments are welcome.

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