Friday, February 24, 2012

EDM 93 & 195 and another ATC

Another Friday and I have some more Everyday Matters drawings to share. Above is #93 - draw an egg carton. Mine was Styrofoam and I am not thrilled with the final image. I know I could have done better. Egg cartons are really complex objects and I didn't spend the amount of time on it that I probably should have. Still it does look like an egg carton so I guess it is OK.

Above is #195 - draw a fork, my silverware is quite simple, I have always prefer it that way so above is my very simple fork which has more edges and planes then I think I realized before I started drawing it, which of course is the point of the exercise.

Above is another ATC, this one is of Bindweed, pretty flowers related to Morning Glory's, or perhaps I should say it the other way around. The bindweed is the wild plant and a bane of gardeners because its runners will spread underground and the plant above ground will choke out other preferred plants. This one I found growing in a wild area with no one to particularly care if it was there or not.

The background on this card is a heavy stipple leaving some lighter areas to suggest the leaves that were surrounding the flowers. Color is colored pencil, my card stock here is Bristol Board which doesn't take water well.

This next image is a work in progress. I finished the ink work on the sparrow on the right last night and though I would show my progress. I started this drawing before Christmas but have been nervous about doing the inking so have left it sitting while I went on to work on other projects. But I want to finish the center of my border piece so decided to use the sparrows as practice.

I am using old fashioned crow quill pen and India ink for this work. It is a very fine nib so I can put in lots of fine lines. So far it is turning out better than I thought it would a day or so ago.

 Finally a photo made Monday at Daniel Webster:

I don't have any Nature Journal pages to share today. While the weather hasn't been that bad I just wasn't able to motivate myself out to another park this week. I know I am getting tired of the bare winter landscape, and finding something to draw for these pages has gotten to be an effort.

Still there is a certain beauty to the winter landscape even without snow. Above is a photo of a red maple grove at Daniel Webster with the raised walkway in frame. You can just glimpse one of the bridges that cross the river which makes an ox bow around these woods. In the summer this area is like being in a cathedral with green glass windows, in the winter without the leaves the light is more direct.

That is it for today, hope everyone has a great weekend. Per usual comments are always welcome.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog. I, also, am a quilter and delighted in seeing your pieces as well as checking out the links you provided.

  2. Thank you Sandra, I haven't done much quilting lately, drawing has taken over that part of my life. The quilting links I still have are mostly for friends or sites I have some involvement with, except Twelve by Twelve that I consider pure eye candy.

  3. Your drawings are amazing =) Especially the objects with different shapes and sizes. I could really see how they 'protrude' out of the screen

  4. Great work, the sparrows are coming along so well too!

  5. Thanks both of you, Alex I enjoy the challenge of the different shapes, and of course the secret to giving a drawing "life" is shading, get the shadows right and you usually have the rest right also.
